My impresion as PR team member of POLONUS 2012

As some of you might know, I have been volunteering as a PR member / coordinator and workshops / groups facilitator almost for five years now for many different non-profit organisations: ACCESS, Connecting Women, POWERtalk International, Academy for Counselling and Coaching, Miss Poland and now POLONUS, here in The Netherlands.

I must say, being a volunteer is an unforgettable experience. During all those years, I have met the most amazing people from all over the world and I have learn quite a lot. I had a chance to be on TV as well as on the radio, which otherwise it will never happened.

Needless to say, most of my PR and Facilitator tasks I master on my own, which I should be proud of. Moreover, all those years paid off last August, rewarding me with an exciting, challenging new job I do next to my coaching, and only because I have had years of experience with people and public relations.

So do not hesitate and if you do have a chance to do some volunteer work (in your area of expertise of in area of your interest) do it, you really never know when you will get rewarded and recognized for it.

My last voluntary task was within PR team for promoting POLONUS. An non-profit organisation working on improving the image of Polish people in The Netherlands. What more closer to my heart being Polish woman here in this country of tulips… I will not discuss the behind the scene daily PR tasks as most of you may know what it encounter, what I want is to share with you the last moments of it, as POLONUS was ending with a Gala announcing elected Pole of the year 2012.

Those who are far away from home, will understand my nostalgic feelings towards the wonderful Polish artists who decided to be a part of that evening and play for Polish people. 

Kayah a beautiful, warm woman, recognised as a fantastic singer. She grown in my eyes after seeing her twice, first the day before the concert in the Polish embassy, where she was acting as a normal person, discussing her shopping preference and the most important not being a diva and the center of attention (which she was anyway due to being a star). During the concert she was a star, a singer, a dancer and a stand-up comedian, which I never know about her – therefore she is official my favorite Polish artist. At the same time she was giving a space and time to other artist to shine. One need to be very much grounded and knowing him/herself well enough to be brave and smart to make jokes as she was making and letting go so others can be seen first – excellent. 

Marcin Wyrostek a lovely, young man, who won Poland Got Talent  – I must admit till the concert I did not know his talent at all. However due to the fact that since I was a child my father is playing almost at every family event the accordion and / or piano, Marcin was close to my heart with his music. His music immediately brought me closer to my family and my father. And again, very normal, humble person, constantly smiling and willing to talk to everyone, wonderful.

The concert itself was a combination of a huge talent of every each of the person on the stage, seriously everyone was giving its best, presenting on a high level. Combining with the act of the lights, emphasizing even more the music and /or the musician who was at that moment actually playing.

And last but not least, I admire Redbad Klijnstra  for his language skills. Most of foreigns don’t take time to learn my language as in most cases they are able to communicate in English. Seeing Redbad navigating in between Polish and Dutch on the stage gave me an inspiration to be as good as he is in his language – Dutch – thank you for that.

My most memorable moment was few hours before the official concert. Sitting in the empty theater and seeing Kayah, Marcin and Coloriage band on stage in their daily cloths, making jokes and preparing for the concert.    It was as they were singing only for me. One fantastic night! Thank you for that. 

One more thing to add to all this, is that I never known there are such smart, intelligent, professional and wonderful Polish people, who were taking their time and effort to do voluntary job as myself. I am glad to meet them and I am proud I can call some of them my friends now. 


Dream Job Diva

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